I am Maria Papadimitriou, the designer of Plastic Seconds and I want to live in a world where there is beauty, play, fun, humor, joy, wit, visual amazement, childish excitement, boundless expression, spontaneous conversations, explosive energy, awareness that we are the stewards of this earth...
After graduating from a Fine Art degree I lived with a friend who was delightfully methodic in sorting out our recycling bins. After the sorting out we would end up with boxes of plastic tops from bottles and other bits that could not be recycled... Looking at the kaleidoscopic contents of these boxes, I fell in love with their myriad colours and shapes and decided I HAD to start transforming them into art objects. These beauties were NOT going in the bin!
I have always been fascinated by the history and significance of adorning the body and so, quite naturally, the art objects emerged as jewellery pieces... As Plastic Seconds evolve, more and more ordinary objects from a variety of sources are seen as potential body adornments in my imagination...
Plastic Seconds pieces bring back a child-like fascination for the ordinary for both the wearer and the observer - seeing something ordinary in a new context and so noticing it, as if for the first time.
Having worn Plastic Seconds - obviously! - for years now, I have also noticed that they have mood enhancing super powers! You will be swimming in compliments from strangers all day long AND you will make LOTS of people smile, which feels GREAT!
Making YOU smile is a ginormous reason why I make Plastic Seconds :-) Enjoy! xxx